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Incident Report: Brainbench

Category:web pageDate of Incident:2002.03.20
Company:BrainbenchHome Page:
Section:Question of the WeekURL: (expired)
OS:Win XPBrowser:any

Background: is a premier firm in online testing and certification, performing evaluations of employees and of job applicants.


One of the many services Brainbench offers is a "Question of the Week" in numerous technical and non-technical categories. While not a serious gaff, I found the following error ironic. In the category of "English Language", they had one more error than they had planned, by neglecting to complete the last sentence!

English Language Question of the Week - March 2002 - Week 3

Subject Area: Written English
	a) Mary is still in the hospital recovering
	b) from the operation. Although she still
	c) feels sick, the doctor has indicated
	d) that she is doing very well. In fact, he
	e) hopes to allow her to go home on Friday if
	f) she is feeling more
Question: Which line in the paragraph above contains the error?

Correct Answer:
f. The purpose of this question is to determine the proper use of comparative adjectives. The line should read "..she is feeling better." As used in this line, "better" is a comparative adjective based on the adjective "good".

Scenario problems:

In a Nutshell:

(This grade applies just to the Question of the Week section.) A great marketing tool for the company; a handy reminder tool for users. I probably would not have included this gaff here but for the fact that they had a similar error in the English Q-o-t-W for two weeks in a row.

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