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I have attempted to simplify the organization of CleanCode material available for download with this basic structure:

PowerShell code
The zip file contains the Powershell libraries to be installed in your Modules directory. The documentation is provided in a nested zip file
Requires PowerShell 2.0 or later.
C# code
The zip file consists of three nested zip files containing the source, the binaries, and the API each in its own bundle. The binary bundle consists of a single bin directory with all CleanCode.*.dll files plus the dependent non-standard DLLs. The projects are for Visual Studio 2010. Note that the zip file became much larger (7.3MB compared to 3.2MB) at version 0.9.31 due to the changeover from ndoc to the more advanced (and voluminous!) Sandcastle documentation generator.
Requires .NET 3.5 or later.
Perl code
The Perl code consists of two main directories, bin, containing the front-end programs, and lib, containing the libraries. The documentation is provided in a nested zip file Linux/Unix typically have built-in Perl support, but Windows users need to install Perl. The best source for this is ActivePerl from ActiveState, which provides a very good quality Perl environment for Windows (plus it is free).
Requires Perl 5.6 or later.
Java code
The Java executables are provided as a standard JAR file cleancode.jar; the documentation is provided in a nested zip file; and the source files are provided in the src directory. Unlike the Perl code, which separates front-end programs into a separate bin directory, the Java front-end programs are mixed within the Java hierarchy (and thus you execute com.cleancode.xml.XmlTransform rather than just XmlTransform). For execution only you likely already have a JRE (Java Runtime Environment), which should be all you need. To compile you will need the Java SDK (System Development Kit) available from Oracles's download site.
Requires Java 1.5 or later.
JavaScript code
This is provided in a standard zip format, but with the CleanCode JSArchive utility, you can create a "jar-equivalent" file for JavaScript, both compressing and combining into one file that you attach to your HTML files.
Proceed to download page.
Other related information:

External Dependencies: C#

[As of CleanCode Version 1.2.03]

These C# libraries are included in the project download but are detailed here for completeness, including links to the original articles or project pages.

Library Version DLL Description Used in
NUnit 2.6.2 download NUnit Unit Testing CleanCodeTest.*
LumenWorks.Framework.IO.Csv 1.0.4803.8432 download LumenWorks.Framework.IO.Csv CSV reading/writing CleanCode.Forms.DataGridFileLoader, CleanCode.Data.CsvReader
DPAPI 1.0.4803.8320 download DPAPI password encryption CleanCode.DatabaseControls.ConnectionStringManager
MySql.Data download MySql.Data MySql database connectivity support CleanCode.DatabaseControls.Support.DbDetails
Telnet 1.0.4788.24639 download Telnet telnet support CleanCode.Net.TelnetLibExec
VDialog 1.4.3937.35378 download VDialog Vista-style, enhanced dialogs even with a non-Vista OS CleanCode.GeneralComponents.Support.ContainerTestInfo, CleanCode.ChameleonRichTextBoxControls.ChameleonRichTextBox
SyntaxHilightingTextBox 1.1.4803.12632 download enhanced version of SyntaxHilightingTextBox Base class functionality for syntax-highlighting CleanCode.ChameleonRichTextBoxControls.ChameleonRichTextBox
Searchable Controls 1.2.4803.8471 download enhanced version of SearchableControls Base class functionality for search-and-replace UrielGuy.SyntaxHighlightingTextBox

External Dependencies: Java

[As of CleanCode Version 1.2.03]

Each may be acquired directly from their authors' sites; links are provided below. (Note that the GNU packages may also be acquired directly from GNU at their Gnu and Java page.) For your convenience, you may download each of the dependent libraries below as well. Note that Windows has a tendency to save jar files as zip files when you download; if you are, in fact, downloading a jar file, simply change the extension back to jar after you download.

Library Version Jar Packages Used Used in
Diff 1.6 download diff library none bmsi.DiffPrint.*
Commons-IO 1.0 download commons-IO library commons-io.jar com.cleancode.xml.XmlTransformTest
XmlBeans 1.0.3 download XmlBeans library xbean.jar org.apache.xmlbeans.* com.cleancode.jdbc.DBprobe
gnu.getopt 1.0.8 download getopt library none gnu.getopt.Getopt com.cleancode.format.JSArchive
Xerces 2.7.1 download xml-apis library xml-apis.jar
download xercesImpl library xercesImpl.jar
JUnit 4.1 download junit library junit.jar junit.framework.* com.cleancode.test.JUnitRecursiveTestRunner
src-test/* (all test classes)
GSBase 2.0.1 download gsbase library gsbase.jar com.gargoylesoftware.base.testing.* com.cleancode.test.JUnitRecursiveTestRunner
SwingWorker 3 download regexp library none com.sun.SwingWorker

External Dependencies: Perl

[As of CleanCode Version 1.2.03]

There are several Perl libraries needed, all of which may be obtained at the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network, known as CPAN. The API documentation for each module itemizes the list of dependencies, including system dependencies, other CleanCode modules needed, and these auxiliary libraries that are not part of the standard system. (Look for the Requires section.) For your convenience, you may download each of the dependent libraries below as well.

Library Version Used in
download CGI::Application library CGI::Application 4.06 cgiAppBase
download CGI::Session library CGI::Session 4.14 cgiAppBase, CGI::Application::Helper
download CGI::Session::Auth library CGI::Session::Auth 1.04 cgiAppBase
download Config::General library Config::General 2.31 CGI::PageSequencer
download Date::Pcalc library Date::Pcalc 1.2 CGI::PageValidator::Plugin::Date
download Getopt::ArgvFile library Getopt::ArgvFile 1.06 Data::InputOptions
download HTML::Template library HTML::Template 2.8 CGI::PageGenerator
download Log::Log4perl library Log::Log4perl 0.51 cgiAppBase
download Math::Round library Math::Round 0.05 Data::Handy

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CleanCode -- The Website for Clean DesignRevised 2013.06.30