CleanCode JavaScript Libraries

CleanCode JavaScript Libraries v1.2.03 API

Tools to assist in creating better software. Highlights include:

Unlike the other CleanCode libraries (PowerShell, Perl, Java, C#, SQL) which are very well documented, there is precious little documentation for the JavaScript API. In fact, you are looking at it--this page. However, the majority of the JavaScript functionality is the same as the Perl API (marked with the Perl icon below) so the Perl documentation is a good substitute (believe it or not!) until I get around to doing JavaScript documentation.

Package Summary
Cgi CGI enhancements for input validation, page generation, and page sequencing (website navigation).
  PageValidator.js Top-level object for validating data.
Cgi/PageValidator Components used by the CGI::PageValidator class.
  CheckItem.js Check validity of a single input item.
  LibraryMgr.js Manages validation library.
  Plugin.js Manages validation plugins.
Cgi/PageValidator/MainLib Library for the CGI::PageValidator form validation system.
  SysLib.js System library for CGI::PageValidator.
  UserLib.js User-modifiable library for CGI::PageValidator.
Cgi/PageValidator/Plugin Custom plugins for the CGI::PageValidator form validation system.
  CreditCardNum.js verifies a credit card number is valid for a given credit card type and has a valid checksum.
  Date.js verifies a date consisting of day, month, and year components.
  IsAmex.js sets the constraints for an American Express credit card type.
  SamePassword.js verifies that two passwords match.
Cgi/PageValidator/PluginLib Libraries and data used by specific plugins.
  CCLib.js Library for the CreditCardNum plugin.
Data Facilities for extensible, configurable, on-the-fly diagnostics, settings, and data logging for standalone programs, CGI interaction, and client-level or server-level programs; also, data-related convenience routines.
  Diagnostic.js Provides configurable diagnostic logging of several message types to several output channels.
  InputData.js Manages a collection of data inputs.
  InputOptions.js Manages a collection of configuration properties.
  UrlArgs.js Accesses arguments passed to a URL.
DOM Support for accesing the Document Object Model.
  crossbrowser.js Basic cross-browser access methods.
  Element.js Determines input field value for any form field.
  ImageResize.js Allows dynamically resizing img elements from the keyboard.
  TOCGenerator.js Generates a two-level table of contents for an HTML document, inserting the TOC into the specified target element on the same page.
Html Generators for HTML and XHTML code.
  Generator.js Provides HTML formatting for output.
Tracking Diagnostic tracking methods.
  Trackable.js Diagnostic tracking methods.
Util Utilities not otherwise classified.
  Common.js Miscellaneous common routines.
  NavKeys.js Provides keyboard navigation (first, last, next, previous, up) for moving between related webpages.
  Version.js A utility for tracking source file versions.

Also, don't miss the PowerShell, C#, Java, and SQL, and Perl libraries and tools.

CleanCode JavaScript Libraries Copyright © 2001-2013 Michael Sorens