Why should you listen to anything I might have to say?
First of all, if you already have found CleanCode material useful,
good for both of you!
For everyone else,
you'll find my recent certifications on the bulk of this page. These affirm that my software design skills are among the best in the industry.
These certifications are from Brainbench, one of the world's most respected online skills measurement authority.
Quoting from their website:
With more than 7 million registered users and over 600 different skill tests, Brainbench pioneered online skills testing to measure the skills of employees and consultants that are crucial to a company's bottom-line success. Utilizing the largest ISO 9001-2000 library of tests, companies rely on Brainbench to help them measure, track, and improve their employees' vital professional skills, with online skills measurement solutions that improve retention, training success, customer satisfaction, and profitability.
And, yes! I am available for freelance consulting/contracting in software design and development. Some of my areas of expertise orthogonal to the categories below include: embedded and real-time systems, internationalization, user interface design, web standards, test-driven development, fault-tolerant coding, regular expressions, shell scripting, and software tools.
Please use the Contact CleanCode link on the Support menu above for inquiries.