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CleanCode PowerShell Libraries v1.2.08 API: CleanCode » SvnTools » Get-SvnLog





Converts Subversion log data to PowerShell objects for easy statistical analysis.


Get-SvnLog [[-Path] <String>] [[-TagPath] <String>] [[-RevisionRange] <String>] [-ByFile] [<CommonParameters>]


Through Subversion's command line interface you have access to all of your log data, but it is designed for human consumption, not machine consumption. Each revision is output with a header line containing revision, user, and date; subsequent lines contain the associated log message, which may occupy multiple lines.

        PS powershell> svn log
        r1186 | ww | 2011-11-07 20:33:48 -0800 (Mon, 07 Nov 2011) | 1 line

        Version update and other minor bookkeeping for next CleanCode release (1.1.02).
        r1185 | ww | 2011-11-07 15:15:07 -0800 (Mon, 07 Nov 2011) | 2 lines

        Changed server-relative path for CSS to absolute URL to make testing a lot easier.
        Added new favicon reference for PowerShell library.
        r1183 | ww | 2011-11-06 20:52:15 -0800 (Sun, 06 Nov 2011) | 1 line

        New function to identify log patterns used by TortoiseSVN.

If you add the verbose option, you then get additional detail for each file associated with the revision:

        PS powershell> svn log -v
        r1186 | ww | 2011-11-07 20:33:48 -0800 (Mon, 07 Nov 2011) | 1 line
        Changed paths:
           M /trunk/devel/powershell/CleanCode/Assertion/Assertion.psd1
           M /trunk/devel/powershell/CleanCode/DocTreeGenerator/DocTreeGenerator.psd1
           M /trunk/devel/powershell/CleanCode/EnhancedChildItem/EnhancedChildItem.psd1
           M /trunk/devel/powershell/CleanCode/FileTools/IniFile.psd1
           M /trunk/devel/powershell/CleanCode/SvnTools/SvnTools.psd1

        Version update and other minor bookkeeping for next CleanCode release (1.1.02).
        r1185 | ww | 2011-11-07 15:15:07 -0800 (Mon, 07 Nov 2011) | 2 lines
        Changed paths:
           M /trunk/devel/powershell/scripts/psdoc_template.html

        Changed server-relative path for CSS to absolute URL to make testing a lot easier.
        Added new favicon reference for PowerShell library.
        r1183 | ww | 2011-11-06 20:52:15 -0800 (Sun, 06 Nov 2011) | 1 line
        Changed paths:
           A /trunk/devel/powershell/CleanCode/SvnTools/SvnTrackerPattern.Tests.ps1
           A /trunk/devel/powershell/CleanCode/SvnTools/SvnTrackerPattern.ps1

        New function to identify log patterns used by TortoiseSVN.

Each file line consists of an action code and a file path. The action codes (from are:
        A    The item was added.
        D    The item was deleted.
        M    Properties or textual contents on the item were changed.
        R    The item was replaced by a different one at the same location.

Again, that is all fine for human consumption, but not for easy machine consumption to analyze and report on this raw data. Fortunately, the svn log command also provides an output-to-xml option that makes it a lot easier to consume:

        PS powershell> svn log -v --xml
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <msg>Changed server-relative path for CSS to absolute URL to make testing a lot easier.
        Added new favicon reference for PowerShell library.</msg>
        <msg>New function to identify log patterns used by TortoiseSVN.</msg>
        . . .

So with all that background, the Get-SvnLog function simply converts the output of "svn log -v --xml" to PowerShell objects so you can then peform complex analysis and identify things like:
* List files committed by developer x since date y.
* Show author and date for each revision in a specific range of revisions.
* Summarize how many files have been committed by each user.
* List the 10 most frequently committed files.
* Show number of commits per day.

See the Examples section for a plethora of examples.


-Path <String>
        Specifies the working copy path or URL to examine. 
        If omitted, defaults to the current directory.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    1
        Default value                .
        Accept pipeline input?       false
        Accept wildcard characters?  false

-TagPath <String>
        Normally you limit the scope of 'svn log' by specifying a numerical 
        range of revisions. Get-SvnLog improves on that by also letting you
        specify tags instead of numerical values for the RevisionRange parameter.
        When you do so, you must also specify a TagPath in which the
        RevisionRange value (or values) are leaf nodes.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    2
        Default value                
        Accept pipeline input?       false
        Accept wildcard characters?  false

-RevisionRange <String>
        With no revision specified, the underlying call to svn log uses a revision
        range of BASE to 1 (BASE:1) for a local path or HEAD to 1 (HEAD:1) for a URL.
        HEAD is the latest version of a given branch. BASE is the revision number
        of your working copy; so if you have not done an SVN Update in a while this
        could be less than HEAD and you would not get data for all your revisions.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    3
        Default value                
        Accept pipeline input?       false
        Accept wildcard characters?  false

-ByFile [<SwitchParameter>]
        The Subversion log is by default organized by revision. 
        Each revision is a commit of one or more files. Without this switch,
        Get-SvnLog maps each revision to a PowerShell object.
        With the switch, Get-SvnLog maps each file of each revision to
        a PowerShell object, allowing you to explore different dimensions of your data.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value                False
        Accept pipeline input?       false
        Accept wildcard characters?  false

        This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,
        ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,
        OutBuffer and OutVariable. For more information, see 
        about_CommonParameters ( 


None. You cannot pipe objects to Get-SvnLog.


Custom object. By default, there is one object per revision, and each object contains Author, Revision, Date, Msg, and Paths properties. The Paths property is a collection of all the files associated with the revision. With the -ByFile option, each object contains Author, Revision, Date, Action, Msg and Path properties, and there is one object for each file touched in each revision.


        This function is part of the CleanCode toolbox

        Since CleanCode 1.1.04.


-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------

PS>Get-SvnLog | Format-Table -AutoSize

Show all fields of log data for all revisions.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------

PS>Get-SvnLog | select Revision, Author, Date, Msg | Format-Table -AutoSize

Show all fields but omit file details (similar to the top pane of TortoiseSVN's log viewer).

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------

PS>Get-SvnLog | select Revision, Author, Date, Msg | Where Msg -match Jira-1234 | Format-Table -AutoSize

Show all the revisions containing a given string (e.g. an issue number) in the commit message.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------

PS>Get-SvnLog -ByFile | ? Path -match "csproj" | select Revision, Date, Action, Path | Format-Table -AutoSize

Show commit details of all file names containing "csproj" (C# project files). If, for example, a file that you expect is missing, this can quickly show you when it was added and when it was deleted.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 5 --------------------------

PS>Get-SvnLog -ByFile | Format-Table -AutoSize

Show all fields of log data for all files (i.e. all files within each revision).

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 6 --------------------------

PS>Get-SvnLog -ByFile | % { $_.path }

Show just paths for all files.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 7 --------------------------

PS>Get-SvnLog -ByFile -RevisionRange 29400:29505 | % { $_.path } | Sort-Object -Unique

Show all files modified in a selected range of revisions. A "native" way to do the equivalent operation in Subversion is "svn diff -r 29400:29505 --summarize".

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 8 --------------------------

PS>Get-SvnLog -RevisionRange "12000:13500" | Format-Table -AutoSize

Show properties for each revision in a specific range of revisions.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 9 --------------------------

PS>Get-SvnLog -TagPath http://myproject/tags -RevisionRange "v1_15:v1_16"

Show properties for each revision between the two tags.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 10 --------------------------

PS>Get-SvnLog -ByFile | ? { $ -eq "smith" -and $ -ge (Get-Date "5/24/2012") } | Format-Table -AutoSize

Identify files committed by a specific developer since a given date.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 11 --------------------------

PS>Get-SvnLog -ByFile | group author | select name, count | Format-Table -AutoSize

Show summary of files for each author (unsorted).

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 12 --------------------------

PS>Get-SvnLog -ByFile | group author | select name, count | sort name | Format-Table -AutoSize

Show summary of files for each author (sorted) using default property names "name" and "count".

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 13 --------------------------

PS>Get-SvnLog -ByFile | group author | select @{ n='Author'; e={$} }, count | sort name | Format-Table -AutoSize

Show summary of files for each author (sorted) with more applicable property names.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 14 --------------------------

PS>Get-SvnLog -ByFile | group path | sort count -Descending | select @{ n='Path'; e={$} }, count -First 10 | Format-Table -AutoSize

Show top 10 most frequently committed files.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 15 --------------------------

PS>Get-SvnLog | group {$_.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")} | sort name -Descending | select @{n='Date'; e={$_.Name}}, Count | Format-Table -AutoSize

Show number of commits per day.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 16 --------------------------

PS>Get-SvnLog -ByFile | ? { $_.Author -eq 'smith' } | select Revision,Date,Path | sort -property @{ Expression="Path"; Descending=$false }, @{ Expression="Revision"; Descending=$true } | Format-Table -AutoSize

Show files committed by a particular author; a file may appear multiple times (includes each time author committed file).

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 17 --------------------------

PS>Get-SvnLog -ByFile | ? { $_.Author -eq 'smith' } | group Path | select @{ n='Last Touched'; e={@($ | sort date -Descending)[0].date} }, @{ n='NumberOfTimesTouched'; e={$_.count} }, name | sort name | Format-Table -AutoSize

Show files committed by a particular author; each file appears just once with a count of commits and last committed date.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 18 --------------------------

PS>Get-SvnLog -ByFile | ? { $_.Date -ge (Get-Date).AddDays(-1) } | group Path | select @{ n='Date'; e={@($ | sort date -Descending)[0].date} }, @{ n='Path'; e={ $} } | sort Date -Descending | Format-Table -AutoSize

Show files committed within the last 24 hours; each file appears just once with the latest commit time.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 19 --------------------------

PS>Get-SvnLog -ByFile | select Revision,Author,Date,Path |? { $_.Date -ge (Get-Date((Get-Date).AddDays(-1))) } | sort -property @{ Expression="Path"; Descending=$false }, @{ Expression="Revision"; Descending=$true } | Format-Table -AutoSize

Show all commits within the last 24 hours; files may appear multiple times .

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 20 --------------------------

PS>Get-SvnLog -ByFile | ? { $_.Date -ge (Get-Date((Get-Date).AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))) } | group Path | select @{ n='Date'; e={@($ | sort date -Descending)[0].date} }, @{ n='Author'; e={@($ | sort date -Descending)[0].author} }, @{ n='Path'; e={ $} } | sort Date -Descending | Format-Table -AutoSize

Show files committed since yesterday and by whom.


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