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File::Handy - Provides assorted file manipulation functions.
use File::Handy qw(appendFile copyDir datedFileName
getLatestFileName incrFile newer readFile writeFile);
$text = readFile("filename", 1);
@lines = readFile("filename", 1);
$success = writeFile("filename", $text, "bak", 1);
writeFile("filename", $text, "Copy_of_%s");
appendFile("filename", $text, 1);
$incrOK = incrFile("filename");
if (newer("", "file.out")) { ... }
$newName = datedFileName("dir/stuff.txt");
$newName = datedFileName("stuff");
$newName = datedFileName("stuff.htm", "%s_%d%d%d.%s");
$success = copyDir("/abc", "home/foo", ["gif","jpg"]);
copyDir($sourceDir, $targetDir, "doc");
copyDir($sourceDir, $targetDir);
$latestStockFile = getLatestFileName("dir/files", "stocks");
$fname = getLatestFileName($fname, 'A.*\.txt', "2002/11/20");
$permString = permsToString($fname);
print catPath("/root", "filename");
my @files = getMatchingFiles($dir, ".html$");
my $cleanName = untaintFileName("bad \ file / name |>.ext");
Perl5.005, Fcntl, File::Copy, File::stat, Time::Local, Time::localtime, Data::Handy
Default: none
Optional: appendFile, catPath, copyDir, getMatchingFiles, removeTree, datedFileName, getLatestFileName, incrFile, newer, permsToString, readFile, writeFile, untaintFileName
This is a general collection of file handling convenience functions.
readFile(fileName, chompIt)
Reads the named file specified and returns either a string or an array, depending on the caller. If the file could not be opened for any reason, returns undef in scalar context and an empty list () in list context. (Returning either undef or (undef) in list context is stored as a 1-element list containing undef.) Note that an empty file is then indistinguishable from an error.
- string; name of file to read
- optional; boolean; indicates to apply chomp
to each line in array context
Contents of specified file as a string or as an array, depending upon caller's context. On failure, returns undef in scalar context and an empty list () in list context.
writeFile(fileName, text, backupExt, binMode)
writeFile(fileName, text, backupExt)
writeFile(fileName, text)
Writes text to a file, optionally renaming the original to save as a backup. If the optional backupExt
is present, then the existing file (if any) is renamed. The backupExt
may be something like .bak
, in which case it is appended to the file name, or something like copy_of_%s
in which case the filename is plugged in to the format via sprintf
. Even though typically used for text files, the behavior of text files varies from system to system. The Perl binmode
function, when applied to a file, prevents any processing from being done (as in manipulating line endings for the current OS). This may be controlled via the binmode
- string; name of file to write
- string; text to write to file
- optional; string; file extension to use for backup file name; if omitted, file is not backed up. May be a string, in which case it is simply appended to the file name, or an sprintf format.
- optional; boolean; indicates to treat file as binary or not.
1 if successful I/O, 0 if not
appendFile(fileName, text, overWrite, binMode)
appendFile(fileName, text, overWrite)
appendFile(fileName, text)
Appends text to a file. Even though typically used for text files, the behavior of text files varies from system to system. The Perl binmode
function, when applied to a file, prevents any processing from being done (as in manipulating line endings for the current OS). This may be controlled via the binmode
parameter. If the overWrite
flag is true, then the file is erased before the write.
- string; name of file to write
- string; text to write to file
- optional; boolean; indicates to overwrite or append
- optional; boolean; indicates to treat file as binary or not.
1 if successful I/O, 0 if not
Increments a counter file (with exclusive locking on non-Windows systems). That is, for a file which contains only a single number, it opens the file, increments the number, and writes it back.
- string; name of file to increment
1 if successful, 0 otherwise (if any part of the I/O operation sequence fails: open, lock, seek, truncate, print, or close).
newer(srcfile, destfile)
Determines if a source file is newer than a destination file. Returns 1 if srcfile
is newer than destfile
--or-- if destfile
does not exist; 0 otherwise.
- string; file name to check for newness
- string; file name to check against
Boolean indicating whether srcfile
is newer than destfile
catPath(dir, component)
Joins dir
and component
into a single file path. This is available as an alternative to File::Spec->catfile because the joining character is a virgule (/), not a system-dependent path separator. This allows the result to be used as part of a URL, if desired. (And since Perl on different systems will still recognize the virgule as a path separator.)
A further difference from File::Spec->catfile deals with boundary conditions. If dir
is empty, catPath returns just component
, which is a proper path assuming that an empty directory means the current directory. catfile, on the other hand, returns /component
which may be a very different path than what was expected. Similarly, if component
is empty, catPath returns just dir
, as compared to dir
/ returned by catfile.
- string; file name to check for newness
- string; file name to check against
Assembled path string.
datedFileName(fullname, fmt, year, month, day)
datedFileName(fullname, fmt)
Adds a formatted date to a file name to provide a name which is unique--and sortable--by date. The date is broken down into three components--year, month, day--which are appended to the file name in that order which makes the name order monotonic for easy sorting. The name is broken into two components--the file extension, and everything else. These five components are reassembled via the standard sprintf
formatting function. The format string, then, must contain 2 %s
fields (for path-and-name and for extension, respectively) and 3 %d
fields (for year, month, and day, respectively).
datedFileName("dir/stuff.txt") => dir/stuff-2001-08-11.txt
datedFileName("stuff") => stuff-2001-08-11
datedFileName("stuff.htm", "%s_%d%d%d.%s") => stuff_20010811.htm
- string; full file name to update with a date
- optional; sprintf format string. If omitted, "%s-%4d-%02d-%02d.%s" is used if the file has an extension, and "%s-%4d-%02d-%02d" is used if the file has no extension.
- optional; strings specifying date to plug in to format. If omitted, current date is used.
File name with the current date (or specified date) embedded.
copyDir(sourceDir, targetDir, ext)
copyDir(sourceDir, targetDir)
Copies all files matching a given extension from one directory to another. If no extension is specified, copies all files. The function will report failure if any one file copy fails, though some files may have been copied. The targetDir
must already exist.
- string; name of directory to copy from
- string; name of directory to copy into
- optional; single file extension string or an array reference of same
1 if all OK, 0 otherwise
OBJ->getMatchingFiles(dir, regexp)
Returns list of files in the specified directory matching the specified regular expression.
- string; directory containing templates
- string; file pattern to matcn
list of file names
getLatestFileName(dirName, filePat, dateString)
getLatestFileName(dirName, filePat)
Returns the name of the file in the specified directory, matching the regular expression filePat
, which has the latest modification date (i.e. the most recent). The search may be further restricted to find the latest file relative to any date, not just the current date, via the optional dateString
- string; name of directory to search
- optional; regexp string used to filter directory. If omitted, finds the most recent file in the entire directory.
- optional; string in the format of yyyy/mm/dd, used to restrict results to latest match but no later than this date. If omitted, finds the most recent file relative to the current date.
file name meeting constraints or undef if none found
Returns the permissions of the specified file as a human-readable string, in the same format as a unix/linux "ls -l" command. Thus, full permissions would be represented by "rwxrwxrwx", while full owner access, but read-only for others would be "rwxr--r--". Currently does not handle directories, setuid, or setgid representation.
- File::stat object
- string representing file name
string representing permissions of target file
Removes a directory and everything in it. Adapted from
- root of tree to delete
count of files and directories deleted, or undef if problem
This method filters out characters that might cause problems in a filename, such as a path separator character (/ or \). The full set of allowed characters is: "0-9a-zA-Z.,_&+~#()-
" . Any disallowed characters are replaced with a space, then any multiple spaces are reduced to a single space. An empty or undefined input will return the string "BLANK". Finally, the returned string is truncated at 64 characters if it exceeds that length.
- name of file to untaint
Untainted file name
Michael Sorens
$Revision: 8 $ $Date: 2006-12-19 21:13:43 -0800 (Tue, 19 Dec 2006) $
CleanCode 0.9
Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below:
=back doesn't take any parameters, but you said =back -- end of FUNCTION section
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