addData(String, String) - Method in class com.cleancode.data.InputOptions
Adds a value for the specified data item.
addHtmlElement(String, String) - Method in interface com.cleancode.net.SimpleHtmlParse.Callback
Handles the disposition of each parsed element.
addHtmlElement(String, String) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.SimpleHtmlParse.Test
This implements the SimpleHtmlParse.Callback interface.
addItem(Object) - Method in class com.cleancode.swing.JComboBoxMgr
Inserts the specified item at the top of the JComboBox.
addProperty(String, String) - Method in class com.cleancode.data.InputOptions
Adds a value for the specified configuration property.
addRow(Object[]) - Method in class com.cleancode.swing.SimpleTable
Adds the specified row to the current table.
addRow() - Method in class com.cleancode.swing.SimpleTable
Adds an empty row to the current table.
addTypedItem(Object) - Method in class com.cleancode.swing.JComboBoxMgr
Called in response to user events on the JComboBox as well as to changes instigated by other methods of this class.
advance(int) - Method in class com.cleancode.swing.JComboBoxMgr
Advances the selected item pointer by the specified increment.
advance(int) - Method in class com.cleancode.swing.JTabbedPaneMgr
Advances the selected item pointer by the specified increment.
allowAnyNamespace(boolean) - Method in class com.cleancode.xml.XslQualifier
Allows you to restrict or relax the namespace in which the XslQualifier.PARAM_ELEM element must be located.
ANY_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class com.cleancode.xml.XslQualifier
Specifier for any namespace in methods such as getElementsByTagNameNS.
appendTextChild(Node, String, String) - Method in class com.cleancode.xml.DocumentPlus
Adds an element named nodeName containing only the text nodeValue to the provided parent node.
appendTextChild(Document, Node, String, String) - Static method in class com.cleancode.xml.DocumentPlus
Adds an element named nodeName containing only the text nodeValue to the provided parent node in the given Document..
ARCHIVE_ELEM_MARKER - Static variable in class com.cleancode.format.JSArchive
Notation prepended to each file in the archive, allowing for future scanning to identify archive contents.
ArgvFile - Class in com.cleancode.getopt
Provides capability to mix command-line arguments with files of command-line arguments, all specified on the command-line.
ArrayPlus - Class in com.cleancode.util
Convenience methods for array handling.
arrayToString(Object[][]) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.ArrayPlus
Convert a 2-dimensional Object array into a String representation.
arrayToString(Object[]) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.ArrayPlus
Convert a 1-dimensional Object array into a String representation.


buildCookie(String, String) - Static method in class com.cleancode.net.UrlConnectionMgr
Construct a properly formatted cookie for transmission.
buildMenu(JMenuSpec) - Method in class com.cleancode.swing.JMenuBarMgr
Builds a single menu.


cellChecker(AbstractTableModel, int, int) - Method in interface com.cleancode.swing.JTableCellChecker
Determines whether the specified table cell is editable.
charTester(int, boolean) - Static method in class com.cleancode.test.TestHarness
A method used internally to test TestHarness (but it needs to be public to be accessible by TestHarness).
close() - Method in class com.cleancode.log.LogWriter
Close the log stream.
CMDLINE_PASSWD_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.cleancode.data.InputOptions
Property name to enter a password from the command line.
collectElements(String) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.SimpleHtmlParse
Evaluates the HTML document, passing each match to the Callback object for disposition.
CollectionsPlus - Class in com.cleancode.util
Convenience methods for collection handling.
com.cleancode.data - package com.cleancode.data
This package provides facilities for extensible, configurable, on-the-fly diagnostics, settings, and data logging for standalone programs, CGI interaction, and client-level or server-level programs.
com.cleancode.format - package com.cleancode.format
This package contains modules for formatting and conversion.
com.cleancode.getopt - package com.cleancode.getopt
This package supplements command-line option parsing (as in gnu.getopt.Getopt or com.cleancode.data.InputOptions).
com.cleancode.html - package com.cleancode.html
This package contains modules for HTML generation.
com.cleancode.jdbc - package com.cleancode.jdbc
This package contains rudimentary support for getting started with jdbc.
com.cleancode.log - package com.cleancode.log
This package provides support for diagnostic logging output.
com.cleancode.net - package com.cleancode.net
This package supplements Sun's java.net classes.
com.cleancode.swing - package com.cleancode.swing
This package supplements Sun's javax.swing classes.
com.cleancode.test - package com.cleancode.test
This package provides support for JUnit testing as well as a simple CleanCode test harness.
com.cleancode.time - package com.cleancode.time
This package provides elapsed-time reporting facilities, including a time acceleration capability for testing purposes.
com.cleancode.util - package com.cleancode.util
Provides general utility support classes.
com.cleancode.xml - package com.cleancode.xml
This package provides a full-featured XML pre-processor along with several generic XML convenience classes.
COMMENT_MARK - Static variable in class com.cleancode.data.InputOptions
Designator for comment-to-end-of-line.
COMMENT_OFF - Static variable in class com.cleancode.data.InputOptions
Directive to disable comment recognition.
COMMENT_ON - Static variable in class com.cleancode.data.InputOptions
Directive to enable comment recognition.
Common - Class in com.cleancode.util
Provides some common support methods.
complete() - Method in class com.cleancode.jdbc.DBprobe
Closes the database connection.
CONFIG_FILE - Static variable in class com.cleancode.jdbc.DBprobe
Configuration file name (in current directory) detailing runtime parameters and specifics of database instances.
CONFIG_FILE - Static variable in class com.cleancode.net.WebPageInspector
WebPageInspector configuration file name.
CONFIG_FILE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.cleancode.data.InputOptions
Property name to select a property subset.
CONFIG_PASSWD_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.cleancode.data.InputOptions
Property name to specify required password for command-line overrides (if desired).
CONFIG_PWD_SWITCH_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.cleancode.data.InputOptions
Property name to allow command-line overrides.
configFileLoaded() - Method in class com.cleancode.data.InputOptions
This indicates to other modules whether a config file is being used.
connect() - Method in class com.cleancode.net.UrlConnectionMgr
Opens a communications link to the resource referenced by this URL, if such a connection has not already been established.
CONNECTION_DATA - Static variable in class com.cleancode.net.UrlConnectionMgr
Selects info about the network connection.
CONSTRUCTOR - Static variable in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
A label which specifies a constructor method, used as an argument to the print method.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class com.cleancode.data.ParamMap
Determines if the specified key matches an element of the ParamMap either as a specific string or as a regular expression.
convert(String) - Method in class com.cleancode.format.REConverter
Convert the specified input based on the specified rule set.
convert(String) - Method in class com.cleancode.format.SimpleJavadocToPod
Convert javadoc text to pod text.
convert(String) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.SimpleHtmlToText
Convert an HTML document (represented by a String) into text.
convert(String, boolean) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.SimpleHtmlToText
Convert an HTML document (represented by a String) into text, optionally keeping the image references.
COOKIE_DATA - Static variable in class com.cleancode.net.UrlConnectionMgr
Selects info about the transaction cookies.
copyTable(SimpleTable) - Method in class com.cleancode.swing.SimpleTable
Copies the specified table into the current table.
copyTable(SimpleTable, int, int) - Method in class com.cleancode.swing.SimpleTable
Copies the specified table into the current table, specifying the starting column number and the number of columns to copy.
create(String) - Method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Prints a message indicating creation of an object of the owning class with a supplemental message.
create() - Method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Prints a message indicating creation of an object of the owning class.
create(Object) - Method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Prints a message indicating creation of an object of the specified class.
createElement(String) - Method in class com.cleancode.xml.DocumentPlus
A pass-through to the original Document object.
createMenus(JMenuSpec[]) - Method in class com.cleancode.swing.JMenuBarMgr
Creates the menus for the JMenuBar, attaching them to the menu bar.
createNode(String) - Method in class com.cleancode.xml.DocumentPlus
Create a node tree from a string.


DB_SPEC_FILE - Static variable in class com.cleancode.jdbc.DBprobe
Configuration file detailing available database systems.
DB_TABLE - Static variable in class com.cleancode.jdbc.DBprobe
Pseudo-table name indicating to describe only the database itself.
DBprobe - Class in com.cleancode.jdbc
A simple probe to explore data and metadata of different vendors' databases.
DBprobe(InputOptions, String) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.jdbc.DBprobe
Create a standard DBprobe object.
decAndHex(int) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.Common
Generates a decimal and hex representation of an integer.
DEFAULT_BORDER_CHAR - Static variable in class com.cleancode.util.StringPlus
Default character replicated to create a top and bottom border.
DEFAULT_CONTENTS_BASENAME - Static variable in class com.cleancode.xml.XmlTransform
Default base prefix for contents file.
DEFAULT_DATA_COLUMN - Static variable in class com.cleancode.log.LogWriter
The default column index for the actual data.
DEFAULT_DB_CONN - Static variable in class com.cleancode.jdbc.DBprobe
Default database connection.
DEFAULT_DB_DRIVER - Static variable in class com.cleancode.jdbc.DBprobe
Default database driver.
DEFAULT_GENERATOR_NODE - Static variable in class com.cleancode.xml.XmlTransform
Default node name for placing file list in content file.
DEFAULT_GROUP_ID_XPATH - Static variable in class com.cleancode.xml.XmlTransform
Default simple Xpath expression to locate group identifier in each source file.
DEFAULT_GROUP_PLACEHOLDER - Static variable in class com.cleancode.xml.XmlTransform
Default node name for placing file list in content file.
DEFAULT_IN_EXTENSION - Static variable in class com.cleancode.xml.XmlTransform
Default input extension.
DEFAULT_LOG - Static variable in class com.cleancode.format.JSArchive
Default log file base name when archive generated on stdout.
DEFAULT_LOG_DIAG_NAME - Static variable in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Default standard logging file prefix name.
DEFAULT_LOG_DIR - Static variable in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Default directory for log output of diagnostics.
DEFAULT_LOG_ERR_NAME - Static variable in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Default error/warning logging file prefix name.
DEFAULT_LOG_FIELD_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class com.cleancode.log.LogWriter
Default log file field separator.
DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_EXT - Static variable in class com.cleancode.log.LogWriter
Default log file extension.
DEFAULT_NON_CONFLICTING_STRING - Static variable in class com.cleancode.log.LogWriter
In case text to store in log contains field separator, change to this character.
DEFAULT_OUT_EXTENSION - Static variable in class com.cleancode.xml.XmlTransform
Default output extension.
DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in class com.cleancode.net.NetProxy
Default port to be used if none specified.
DEFAULT_SEP - Static variable in class com.cleancode.xml.XslQualifier
Default separator between names and values in a single string.
DEFAULT_WIDTH - Static variable in class com.cleancode.util.StringPlus
Default width of borders for various hilight methods.
DEFAULT_WPI_HISTORY_FILE - Static variable in class com.cleancode.net.StorageMgr
Default history file path and name for WebPageInspector.
DEFAULT_XSL_NAME - Static variable in class com.cleancode.xml.XmlTransform
Default base XSL file name for translating from input to output.
deleteRow(int) - Method in class com.cleancode.swing.SimpleTable
Deletes the specified row from the current table.
delimit(String) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.StringPlus
Wraps a string with double quotes.
Diagnostic - Class in com.cleancode.data
Provides configurable diagnostic logging of several message types to several output channels.
Diagnostic(Object) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Creates a Diagnostic object with the standard level for the specified class.
Diagnostic(String) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Creates a Diagnostic object with the standard level for the specified class.
Diagnostic(Object, String) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Creates a Diagnostic object with a variation of the standard level for the specified class.
Diagnostic(String, String) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Creates a Diagnostic object with a variation of the standard level for the specified class.
Diagnostic.Test - Class in com.cleancode.data
A standalone test class to exercise the Diagnostic class.
Diagnostic.Test() - Constructor for class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic.Test
doAbout(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.WebPageInspector
Command: ABOUT -- describe program.
doAddCookie(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.WebPageInspector
Command: ADD-COOKIE -- add row for cookie.
doClear(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.WebPageInspector
Command: CLEAR -- Erase all URL history.
doClearCookies(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.WebPageInspector
Command: CLEAR-COOKIES -- erase entered cookie table.
doCopyRecvCookies(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.WebPageInspector
Command: COPY-RECV-COOKIES -- copy received cookies.
doCopyStoredCookies(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.WebPageInspector
Command: COPY-STORED-COOKIES -- copy stored cookies.
doCopyTab(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.WebPageInspector
Command: COPY-TAB -- copy tab contents to clipboard.
DocumentPlus - Class in com.cleancode.xml
Adds several convenience methods to a standard org.w3c.dom.Document object.
DocumentPlus(Document) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.xml.DocumentPlus
Create a new DocumentPlus object based on the supplied Document, adding the methods contained herein.
DocumentPlus() - Constructor for class com.cleancode.xml.DocumentPlus
Create a new DocumentPlus object adding the methods contained herein.
DocumentPlus.Test - Class in com.cleancode.xml
A standalone test class for a sanity check.
DocumentPlus.Test() - Constructor for class com.cleancode.xml.DocumentPlus.Test
doDelCookie(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.WebPageInspector
Command: DELETE-COOKIE -- delete row for cookie.
doDeleteUrl(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.WebPageInspector
Command: DELETE-URL -- delete current URL from JComboBox.
doExit(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.WebPageInspector
Command: EXIT -- exit.
dollarToNumber(String) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.StringPlus
Converts a monetary string to a number.
doOpenFile(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.WebPageInspector
Command: OPEN-FILE -- open local file.
doPasteCookie(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.WebPageInspector
Command: PASTE-COOKIE -- paste cookie on clipboard into 'entered' table.
doRefresh(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.WebPageInspector
Command: REFRESH -- fetch current URL again.
doSaveHistory(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.WebPageInspector
Command: SAVE-HISTORY -- save history to a file.
doSaveHtml(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.WebPageInspector
Command: SAVE-HTML-FILE -- save string to a file.
doSaveText(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.WebPageInspector
Command: SAVE-TEXT-FILE -- save string to a file.
doSetEnteredCookieMode(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.WebPageInspector
Command: SET COOKIE MODE -- entered.
doSetNoCookieMode(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.WebPageInspector
Command: SET COOKIE MODE -- none.
doSetOfflineStatus(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.WebPageInspector
Command: OFFLINE -- toggle offline state.
doSetStoredCookieMode(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.WebPageInspector
Command: SET COOKIE MODE -- stored.
doShowNextTab(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.WebPageInspector
Command: NEXT-TAB -- show next tab.
doShowNextUrl(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.WebPageInspector
Command: NEXT-URL -- show next URL in JComboBox.
doShowPrevTab(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.WebPageInspector
Command: PREV-TAB -- show previous tab.
doShowPrevUrl(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.WebPageInspector
Command: PREV-URL -- show previous URL in JComboBox.
doStoreCookies(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.WebPageInspector
Command: STORE-COOKIES -- store cookies.
dumpMetaTable(String, ResultSet) - Method in class com.cleancode.jdbc.DBprobe
Describes the results of a database meta-query, that is, a query that returns either a list of tables or a list of fields for a specific table.
dumpTable(ResultSet) - Method in class com.cleancode.jdbc.DBprobe
Displays a result set.
dumpXml() - Method in class com.cleancode.xml.DocumentPlus
Displays the xml contained in the DocumentPlus object.
dumpXml(Node) - Method in class com.cleancode.xml.DocumentPlus
Displays the xml contained in the specified Node (or Element).


elapsed() - Method in class com.cleancode.time.SimpleFormat
Returns the elapsed time since object creation as a number.
emphasis(String) - Method in class com.cleancode.html.Generator
Builds an italic element.
emptyTable() - Method in class com.cleancode.swing.SimpleTable
Empties the current table, resetting the number of rows to zero.
enter(String, String) - Method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Prints a message indicating entering a method of the owning class.
enter() - Method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Prints a message indicating entering a constructor of the owning class.
enter(String) - Method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Prints a message indicating entering a method of the owning class with a supplemental message.
ERROR_LABEL - Static variable in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Constant label prefixing all error messages.
errPrint(String, String) - Method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Output an error message prefixed with a method name.
errPrint(String) - Method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Output an error message prefixed with the class name of the owning class.
escapeHTML(String) - Method in class com.cleancode.html.Generator
Escapes symbols that have special meaning in HTML.
exit() - Static method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Cleanup routine to close all active log streams.
exponent(int) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.Common
Returns the power of two of the given number.


FILE_INTERP_CHAR - Static variable in class com.cleancode.getopt.ArgvFile
Signifies interpolated command-line arguments from a file on the command line.
FilePlus - Class in com.cleancode.util
Convenience methods for file handling.
fill(Map<T, T>, T[][]) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.CollectionsPlus
A convenience method to initialize a map from a two-dimensional array.
fill(Collection<T>, T[]) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.CollectionsPlus
A convenience method to initialize a collection from an array.
fillTable(Object[][]) - Method in class com.cleancode.swing.SimpleTable
Fills the table with new data (discarding any previously assigned).
flush() - Static method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Flush all active log streams.
flush() - Method in class com.cleancode.log.LogWriter
Flush the log stream.
formatTable(Object) - Static method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Formats a one- or two-dimensional table for display.


generateArchive(String[]) - Method in class com.cleancode.format.JSArchive
Processes a list of files into the archive.
Generator - Class in com.cleancode.html
Provides output formatted for web browsers using HTML.
Generator() - Constructor for class com.cleancode.html.Generator
Creates a Generator object to generate HTML output.
Generator.Test - Class in com.cleancode.html
TODO -- nested test class--move to JUnit.
Generator.Test() - Constructor for class com.cleancode.html.Generator.Test
GENERATOR_ID - Static variable in class com.cleancode.xml.XmlTransform
Combination of name and version of this generator, for use in XSL files to identify generated files.
generic(String, String, HashMap<String, String>) - Method in class com.cleancode.html.Generator
Builds a generic tag with attributes.
generic(String, String) - Method in class com.cleancode.html.Generator
Builds a generic tag without attributes.
genericNL(String, String, HashMap<String, String>) - Method in class com.cleancode.html.Generator
Builds a generic tag with attributes and embedded newlines.
genericNL(String, String) - Method in class com.cleancode.html.Generator
Builds a generic tag without attributes but with embedded newlines.
getBasicURL(String) - Static method in class com.cleancode.net.UrlConnectionMgr
Extracts the basic URL (without the query portion) from a complete URL.
getBooleanProperty(String) - Method in class com.cleancode.data.InputOptions
Returns a boolean value for the specified property.
getClassName() - Method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Returns the name of the owning class.
getClassName(Object) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.StringPlus
Returns the class name for an object, without the package path.
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class com.cleancode.swing.SimpleTable
Method used by JTable to determine the default renderer/editor for each cell.
getColumnCount() - Method in class com.cleancode.swing.SimpleTable
Returns the number of columns in the model.
getColumnName(int) - Method in class com.cleancode.swing.SimpleTable
Returns the name of the specified column.
getComponent(int) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.UrlConnectionMgr
Returns a portion of a network transaction.
getConnection() - Method in class com.cleancode.jdbc.DBprobe
Retrieves the database Connection object.
getContent() - Method in class com.cleancode.net.UrlConnectionMgr
Returns the contents of a URL, typically an HTML document.
getContent() - Method in class com.cleancode.net.URLReader
Returns HTML content of previously fetched URL.
getCookieNames() - Static method in class com.cleancode.net.UrlConnectionMgr
Returns column names for cookie URL data.
getCookieWidths() - Static method in class com.cleancode.net.UrlConnectionMgr
Returns relative column widths for cookie URL data.
getCopyableText() - Method in class com.cleancode.swing.JTabbedPaneMgr
Returns the text from the current tab.
getData(String, String) - Method in class com.cleancode.data.InputOptions
Returns a string value for the specified datum.
getData(String, int) - Method in class com.cleancode.data.InputOptions
Returns an integer value for the specified datum.
getData(String, boolean) - Method in class com.cleancode.data.InputOptions
Returns an boolean value for the specified datum.
getData(String) - Method in class com.cleancode.data.InputOptions
Returns a string value for the specified datum.
getDataKeySet() - Method in class com.cleancode.data.InputOptions
Returns a set of data names.
getDiagName() - Method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Returns the name of the diagnostic for the class which created it.
getElementsByTagName(String, String) - Method in class com.cleancode.xml.DocumentPlus
A variation of the standard method, this version constrains the returned NodeList to contain only nodes on the specified path, rather than nodes from anywhere in the tree.
getElementsByTagName(String) - Method in class com.cleancode.xml.DocumentPlus
Extends the base method to allow not just a tagName but also a path argument.
getEndDate() - Method in class com.cleancode.time.SimpleFormat
Returns Date object for end of interval.
getErrCount() - Method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Return number of errors observed.
getErrCount() - Method in class com.cleancode.format.JSArchive
Returns the count of errors, if any.
getFieldQuery(String) - Method in class com.cleancode.jdbc.DBprobe
Generates a query to return a list of fields for a given table.
getGeneralNames() - Static method in class com.cleancode.net.UrlConnectionMgr
Returns column names for general URL data.
getGeneralWidths() - Static method in class com.cleancode.net.UrlConnectionMgr
Returns relative column widths for general URL data.
getIntProperty(String) - Method in class com.cleancode.data.InputOptions
Returns an integer value for the specified property.
getKeySet() - Method in class com.cleancode.data.InputOptions
Returns a set of configuration property names.
getMenuItem(String) - Method in class com.cleancode.swing.JMenuBarMgr
Returns a JMenuItem within a menu on the JMenuBar.
getNodeText(Node) - Method in class com.cleancode.xml.DocumentPlus
Returns the text of the specified node and its descendants.
getOsName() - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.Sniffer
Reports the OS name.
getPath(String) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.FilePlus
Returns just the path portion of a file name.
getProperty(String, String) - Method in class com.cleancode.data.InputOptions
Returns a string value for the specified property.
getProperty(String, int) - Method in class com.cleancode.data.InputOptions
Returns an integer value for the specified property.
getProperty(String, boolean) - Method in class com.cleancode.data.InputOptions
Returns a boolean value for the specified property.
getProperty(String) - Method in class com.cleancode.data.InputOptions
Returns a string value for the specified property.
getRowCount() - Method in class com.cleancode.swing.SimpleTable
Returns the number of rows in the model.
getSelectedChild(Node, String) - Method in class com.cleancode.xml.DocumentPlus
Finds a direct child node of a particular node.
getSelectedChildText(Node, String) - Method in class com.cleancode.xml.DocumentPlus
Finds the contents of a direct child node of a particular node.
getSelectedElementByTagName(String, String, String) - Method in class com.cleancode.xml.DocumentPlus
Collects the output of the standard getElementsByTagName method, then filters it to return the single node with the specified keyValue.
getSelectedElementByTagName(String, String) - Method in class com.cleancode.xml.DocumentPlus
Collects the output of the standard getElementsByTagName method, then filters it to return the single node in the specified path and tagName in the XML.
getSelectedElementByTagName(String) - Method in class com.cleancode.xml.DocumentPlus
Collects the output of the standard getElementsByTagName method, then filters it to return the single node in the specified path in the XML.
getSelectedNodeText(String) - Method in class com.cleancode.xml.DocumentPlus
Returns text of first node matching tagName.
getSelectedRow() - Method in class com.cleancode.swing.JTableMgr
Returns currently selected row in the table.
getServerName() - Method in class com.cleancode.jdbc.DBprobe
Retrieves the database server name.
getStartDate() - Method in class com.cleancode.time.SimpleFormat
Returns Date object for start of interval.
getStatement() - Method in class com.cleancode.jdbc.DBprobe
Retrieves the database Statement object.
getText(boolean) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.URLReader
Returns text extracted from content of previously fetched URL.
getText() - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.TextClipboard
Gets the text on the system clipboard.
getThreadName() - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.StringPlus
Returns the thread name of the current thread.
getValue() - Method in class com.cleancode.test.TestHarness.Counter
Obtains current value of counter.
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class com.cleancode.swing.SimpleTable
Returns the value for the cell at the specified row and column indices.
getVersion(String, String) - Static method in class com.cleancode.data.Version
Determine a version number, record it for diagnostics, and return it.
getVersion(Object, String) - Static method in class com.cleancode.data.Version
Determine a version number, record it for diagnostics, and return it.
getVersion(Object) - Static method in class com.cleancode.data.Version
Returns the version number of the class of the passed object.
getVersion(String) - Static method in class com.cleancode.data.Version
Returns the version number of the named class.
getWarnCount() - Method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Returns number of warnings observed.
getWebPageEnabled() - Method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Indicates whether either the standard or the error channels have specified the web page channel for output from the configuration settings.


HEADER_DATA - Static variable in class com.cleancode.net.UrlConnectionMgr
Selects info about the transaction header.
hilight(String, int, char) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.StringPlus
Delimits a text block with a top and bottom border.
hilight(String, String, int, char) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.StringPlus
Delimits a text block with a top and bottom border, including title.
hilight(String) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.StringPlus
Delimits a text block with a top and bottom border using a default length and default border character.
hilight(String, int) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.StringPlus
Delimits a String with a top and bottom border using a default border character.
hilight(String, String) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.StringPlus
Delimits a text block with a top and bottom border, including title, using a default length and default border character.
hilight(String, String, int) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.StringPlus
Delimits a text block with a top and bottom border, including title, using a default border character.
hilightInline(String, int, char) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.StringPlus
Adds border lines around text (for a single line of output).
hilightInline(String, int) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.StringPlus
Adds border lines around text (for a single line of output) using a default border character.
hilightInline(String) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.StringPlus
Adds border lines around text (for a single line of output) using a default length and default border character.
HISTORY_FILE_PARAM - Static variable in class com.cleancode.net.StorageMgr
Parameter name for specifying a location for the history file for WebPageInspector.
HTML_DATA - Static variable in class com.cleancode.net.UrlConnectionMgr
Selects info about the web page.


identifyDB() - Method in class com.cleancode.jdbc.DBprobe
Attempts to identify the database (access, mysql, oracle, etc) by running a basic query to list the database tables for each known database type.
increment() - Method in class com.cleancode.test.TestHarness.Counter
Increments the counter value.
init() - Static method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Initializes the diagnostic system enabling only warnings and errors to STDERR.
init(boolean) - Static method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Initializes the diagnostic system enabling all diagnostics for all classes.
init(String) - Static method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Initializes the diagnostic system enabling all diagnostics for the specified class.
init(String, String[]) - Static method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Initializes the diagnostic system enabling selected diagnostics for the specified class.
init(String, String) - Static method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Initializes the diagnostic system enabling selected diagnostics for the specified class.
init(String[]) - Static method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Initializes the diagnostic system enabling all diagnostics for all the specified classes.
init(InputOptions) - Static method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Initializes the diagnostic system with custom settings.
init() - Method in class com.cleancode.jdbc.DBprobe
Initializes the DB resources, the DB connection, and setting up the DB statement.
InputOptions - Class in com.cleancode.data
Manages a collection of data inputs and configuration properties.
InputOptions(String[], String[], String[], ParamMap) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.data.InputOptions
Initializes the InputOptions property list from the specified configuration data with any command-line overrides.
InputOptions(String[], String[]) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.data.InputOptions
Initializes the InputOptions property list from the specified configuration data with any command-line overrides.
InputOptions(String[], String) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.data.InputOptions
Initializes the InputOptions property list from the specified configuration file with any command-line overrides.
InputOptions(String[]) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.data.InputOptions
Initializes the InputOptions property list with just command-line settings.
InputOptions(String) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.data.InputOptions
Initializes the InputOptions property list with just one command-line setting.
InputOptions() - Constructor for class com.cleancode.data.InputOptions
Initializes the InputOptions property list with no arguments.
InputOptions.Test - Class in com.cleancode.data
A standalone test class to exercise the InputOptions class.
InputOptions.Test() - Constructor for class com.cleancode.data.InputOptions.Test
interpolateArgs(String[]) - Static method in class com.cleancode.getopt.ArgvFile
Expands any command-line files in place within a list of command-line arguments.
isActive() - Method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Indicates whether the Diagnostic is selected by the current diagnostic level.
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class com.cleancode.swing.SimpleTable
JTable uses this method to determine whether a cell may be edited.
isContentsMode() - Method in class com.cleancode.format.JSArchive
Identifies whether contentsMode has been set.
isCookie(String) - Static method in class com.cleancode.net.UrlConnectionMgr
Returns true if the string could be a cookie (recognized by the presence of the cookie assignment operator and lack of line feed/carriage returns).
isElapsed(long) - Method in class com.cleancode.time.SimpleFormat
Indicates whether a given time has passed since object creation.
isFormatted(String) - Method in class com.cleancode.html.Generator
Returns a boolean indicating whether the msg is already formatted by this formatter class.
isModified() - Method in class com.cleancode.swing.JComboBoxMgr
Indicates whether the underlying JComboBox has been updated since program invocation.
isProperty(String) - Static method in class com.cleancode.data.InputOptions
Determines if a name qualifies as an InputOptions property.
isWindows() - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.Sniffer
Reports whether current system is Windows or not.


JAXP_SCHEMA_LANGUAGE - Static variable in class com.cleancode.xml.SimpleValidate
JAXP 1.2 schema language value.
JAXP_SCHEMA_LANGUAGE - Static variable in class com.cleancode.xml.XmlTransform
JAXP 1.2 schema language value.
JAXP_SCHEMA_SOURCE - Static variable in class com.cleancode.xml.SimpleValidate
JAXP 1.2 schema source value.
JAXP_SCHEMA_SOURCE - Static variable in class com.cleancode.xml.XmlTransform
JAXP 1.2 schema source value.
JComboBoxMgr - Class in com.cleancode.swing
Manages a JComboBox using a most-recently-used model.
JComboBoxMgr() - Constructor for class com.cleancode.swing.JComboBoxMgr
Creates a new JComboBoxMgr, a wrapper for an editable JComboBox.
JLookAndFeel - Class in com.cleancode.swing
Sets the user interface to a particular look-and-feel.
JLookAndFeel() - Constructor for class com.cleancode.swing.JLookAndFeel
Establishes 'Metal' as the default look-and-feel.
JLookAndFeel(String) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.swing.JLookAndFeel
Attempts to establish the specified look-and-feel.
JMenuBarMgr - Class in com.cleancode.swing
Manages a JMenuBar, providing convenient tools for building menus.
JMenuBarMgr(ActionListener) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.swing.JMenuBarMgr
Creates a new JMenuBarMgr, a wrapper for a JMenuBar.
JMenuItemSpec - Class in com.cleancode.swing
A specification for a JMenuItem used as a component of a JMenuSpec.
JMenuItemSpec(JMenuItem, int, String, boolean, int, int) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.swing.JMenuItemSpec
Creates a fully-specified JMenuItemSpec object.
JMenuItemSpec(JMenuItem, int, String, int, int) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.swing.JMenuItemSpec
Creates a JMenuItemSpec where the initial enabled status is determined by the default setting.
JMenuItemSpec(JMenuItem, int, String, boolean, int) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.swing.JMenuItemSpec
Creates a JMenuItemSpec where the accelerator modifier is determined by the default setting.
JMenuItemSpec(JMenuItem, String, boolean, int, int) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.swing.JMenuItemSpec
Creates a JMenuItemSpec where the mnemonic is auto-assigned.
JMenuItemSpec(JMenuItem, int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.swing.JMenuItemSpec
Creates a JMenuItemSpec without an accelerator key.
JMenuItemSpec(JMenuItem, String, boolean, int) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.swing.JMenuItemSpec
Creates a JMenuItemSpec where the accelerator modifier is determined by the default setting and the mnemonic is auto-assigned.
JMenuItemSpec(JMenuItem, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.swing.JMenuItemSpec
Creates a JMenuItemSpec where the mnemonic is auto-assigned and without an accelerator key.
JMenuItemSpec(JMenuItem, String, int, int) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.swing.JMenuItemSpec
Creates a JMenuItemSpec where the initial enabled status is determined by the default setting and the mnemonic is auto-assigned.
JMenuItemSpec(JMenuItem, String, int) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.swing.JMenuItemSpec
Creates a JMenuItemSpec where the initial enabled status and the accelerator modifier are determined by the default setting, and the mnemonic is auto-assigned.
JMenuItemSpec(JMenuItem, String) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.swing.JMenuItemSpec
Creates a JMenuItemSpec without an accelerator key, where the initial enabled status is determined by the default setting, and the mnemonic is auto-assigned.
JMenuItemSpec() - Constructor for class com.cleancode.swing.JMenuItemSpec
Creates a JMenuItemSpec which specifies a menu separator.
JMenuSpec - Class in com.cleancode.swing
A specification for a JMenuSpec used as a component of a JMenuBarMgr.
JMenuSpec(String, JMenuItemSpec[], int, MenuListener) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.swing.JMenuSpec
Creates a fully-specified JMenuSpec object.
JMenuSpec(String, JMenuItemSpec[], int) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.swing.JMenuSpec
Creates a JMenuSpec object without a MenuListener.
JMenuSpec(String, JMenuItemSpec[], MenuListener) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.swing.JMenuSpec
Creates a JMenuItem object where the mnemonic is auto-assigned.
JMenuSpec(String, JMenuItemSpec[]) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.swing.JMenuSpec
Creates a JMenuItem object where the mnemonic is auto-assigned, and without a MenuListener.
join(char, Object[]) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.ArrayPlus
Joins array elements into a String with the specified separator character.
join(String, Object[]) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.ArrayPlus
Joins array elements into a String with the specified separator string.
joinDecl(Object[]) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.ArrayPlus
Joins array elements into a String with the specified separator string, formatting the array as a Java declaration.
JSArchive - Class in com.cleancode.format
Creates a JavaScript archive that consolidates and compresses a collection of JavaScript files.
JSArchive() - Constructor for class com.cleancode.format.JSArchive
Creates a new JSArchive to compress a set of JavaScript files.
JSArchive.JSCompactor - Class in com.cleancode.format
Compacts a series of text strings, discarding any unnecessary whitespace as well as all comments.
JSArchive.JSCompactor() - Constructor for class com.cleancode.format.JSArchive.JSCompactor
Creates a JSCompactor, the workhorse compaction engine.
JTabbedPaneMgr - Class in com.cleancode.swing
Manages a JTabbedPane component.
JTabbedPaneMgr(Object[][], Dimension) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.swing.JTabbedPaneMgr
Creates a JTabbedPaneMgr, a wrapper for a JTabbedPane.
JTableCellChecker - Interface in com.cleancode.swing
Provides a mechanism to separate editability of a cell from the table model.
JTableMgr - Class in com.cleancode.swing
Creates a JTable with a custom table model, designed for displaying property data.
JTableMgr(AbstractTableModel, float[], Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.swing.JTableMgr
Creates a new JTableMgr, a wrapper for a JTable.
JTableMgr(SimpleTable, float[], Dimension) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.swing.JTableMgr
Creates a new JTableMgr which does not using row tracking.
JTableMgr(SimpleTable, Dimension) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.swing.JTableMgr
Creates a new JTableMgr which does not using row tracking and uses default (equal) column widths.


lap() - Method in class com.cleancode.time.SimpleFormat
Freezes the timer value to be returned.
leave(String, String) - Method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Prints a message indicating leaving a method of the owning class.
leave() - Method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Prints a message indicating leaving a constructor of the owning class.
leave(String) - Method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Prints a message indicating leaving a method of the owning class with a supplemental message.
line(String, HashMap<String, String>) - Method in class com.cleancode.html.Generator
Builds a paragraph element with attributes.
line(String) - Method in class com.cleancode.html.Generator
Builds a paragraph element without attributes.
listDBChoices() - Method in class com.cleancode.jdbc.DBprobe
Lists the predefined databases known to the system.
LOG_FILE_EXT - Static variable in class com.cleancode.format.JSArchive
Log file extension.
LogWriter - Class in com.cleancode.log
Provides very basic data logging facilities.
LogWriter(String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.log.LogWriter
Creates a LogWriter object, verifies the log directory exists (or creates it if needed), and initializes the log file.
LogWriter(String) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.log.LogWriter
Creates a LogWriter object; verbose mode is active and auto-flushing disabled.
LogWriter(String, InputOptions) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.log.LogWriter
Creates a LogWriter object, allowing full customization via the InputOptions object.
LogWriter(PrintWriter, boolean) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.log.LogWriter
Creates a LogWriter object from the specified PrintWriter.
LogWriter(PrintWriter) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.log.LogWriter
Creates a LogWriter object from the specified PrintWriter with verbose mode active.
LogWriter.Test - Class in com.cleancode.log
A standalone test class to exercise the LogWriter class.
LogWriter.Test() - Constructor for class com.cleancode.log.LogWriter.Test


main(String[]) - Static method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic.Test
Main program for this standalone test class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.cleancode.data.InputOptions.Test
Main program for this standalone test class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.cleancode.format.JSArchive
Command-line support to create a JavaScript archive.
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.cleancode.format.SimpleJavadocToPod
Main program for standalone mode.
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.cleancode.format.SimpleJavadocToPod.Test
Main program for this standalone test class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.cleancode.html.Generator.Test
Main program for test subclass.
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.cleancode.jdbc.DBprobe
Main program for standalone operation.
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.cleancode.log.LogWriter.Test
Main program for this standalone test class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.cleancode.net.SimpleHtmlParse.Test
Main program for this standalone test class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.cleancode.net.SimpleHtmlToText
Main program for standalone mode.
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.cleancode.net.SimpleHtmlToText.Test
Main program for this standalone test class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.cleancode.net.UrlConnectionMgr.Test
Main program for this standalone test class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.cleancode.net.URLReader
Standalone program to fetch a URL.
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.cleancode.net.WebPageInspector
Main routine to operate WebPageInspector as a standalone GUI application.
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.cleancode.test.TestHarness.Test
Main program for this standalone test class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.Sniffer.Test
Main program for this standalone test class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.cleancode.xml.DocumentPlus.Test
Main program for this standalone test class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.cleancode.xml.SimpleValidate
Main program.
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.cleancode.xml.XmlTransform
Main program for standalone mode.
MARKER - Static variable in class com.cleancode.jdbc.DBprobe
Marker to use in database specs file as a placeholder for table name.
MODE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.cleancode.data.InputOptions
Property name to select a property subset.


NetProxy - Class in com.cleancode.net
Configures access to a secure or non-secure proxy server.
newer(File, File, FilenameFilter) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.FilePlus
Determines if a source file, or any file in a source directory, is newer than a destination file.
newer(String, File, FilenameFilter) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.FilePlus
Determines if a file or directory of the specified name, is newer than a destination file.
newer(File, File) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.FilePlus
Determines if a source file, or any file in a source directory, is newer than a destination file.
NL - Static variable in class com.cleancode.util.ArrayPlus
System dependent line separator.
NL - Static variable in class com.cleancode.util.StringPlus
System dependent line separator.


output(String) - Static method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Retrieves the collected web channel output when web channel buffering is enabled.
output() - Method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Retrieves the collected web channel output when web channel buffering is enabled.
OUTPUT_DIAG_LOGFILE - Static variable in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
A bit switch directing output to a log file as plain text.
OUTPUT_DIAG_STDERR - Static variable in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
A bit switch directing output to STDERR as plain text.
OUTPUT_DIAG_STDOUT - Static variable in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
A bit switch directing output to STDOUT formatted as plain text.
OUTPUT_DIAG_WEBPAGE - Static variable in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
A bit switch directing output to STDOUT formatted as HTML.


PARAM_ATTR - Static variable in class com.cleancode.xml.XslQualifier
XSL attribute name for a XslQualifier.PARAM_ELEM that names the parameter.
PARAM_ELEM - Static variable in class com.cleancode.xml.XslQualifier
XSL element name that accepts an input parameter.
paramMap - Static variable in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
The diagnostic parameters for the Diagnostic class itself.
ParamMap - Class in com.cleancode.data
Manages a collection of parameters and their associated tool tips.
ParamMap(String[][]) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.data.ParamMap
Creates a ParamMap object initialized with the specified paramList.
paramMap - Static variable in class com.cleancode.xml.XmlTransform
Parameter map for this class.
parseCookie(String) - Static method in class com.cleancode.net.UrlConnectionMgr
Parse a received cookie into its components.
post(String[]) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.UrlConnectionMgr
Does an HTTP POST on multiple lines of text.
post(String) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.UrlConnectionMgr
Does an HTTP POST on a single line of text.
print(String, Object) - Method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Output an arbitrary message prefixed with the method name.
print(Object) - Method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Output an arbitrary message with no prefix.
printVersion(String, String) - Method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Prints the version number of the specified class.
process() - Method in class com.cleancode.xml.XmlTransform
Performs all the processing as specified by the configuration options.
PSEUDO_LINE_DELIMITER - Static variable in class com.cleancode.net.URLReader
For POST data on the command line, use this to indicate where actual line breaks go.
push(String[], String) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.ArrayPlus
Adds new last element to a String array.
putAll(ParamMap) - Method in class com.cleancode.data.ParamMap
Merges the new map with the current map.


readFile(String) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.FilePlus
Returns the contents of the named file as a String.
readFile(InputStream) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.FilePlus
Returns the contents of the InputStream as a String.
readFile(BufferedReader) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.FilePlus
Returns the contents of the BufferedReader as a String.
readFileAsArray(String) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.FilePlus
Returns the contents of the named file as a String array.
readFileAsArray(InputStream) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.FilePlus
Returns the contents of the InputStream as a string array.
readFileAsArray(BufferedReader) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.FilePlus
Returns the contents of the BufferedReader as a string array.
readFileAsArrayColumn(String, int) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.FilePlus
Returns the contents of a single column in a field-delimited file as a String array.
readFileAsArrayColumn(String, String[][], int) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.FilePlus
Returns the contents of a single column in a field-delimited file as a String array, filtering the input as it is read.
readFileAsArrayColumn(String, String[][], int, String) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.FilePlus
Returns the contents of a single column in a field-delimited file as a String array, filtering the input as it is read.
readFromURL() - Method in class com.cleancode.net.URLReader
Fetch a URL using URL objects to establish a connection.
readFromURLConn(String[], String, String) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.URLReader
Fetch a URL using URLConnection objects.
readRaw() - Method in class com.cleancode.net.URLReader
Fetch a URL in raw mode--using Socket objects--to establish a connection.
REConverter - Class in com.cleancode.format
Converts a text file using a series of regular expressions replacements.
REConverter(REConverter.REPiece[]) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.format.REConverter
Construct a REConverter object.
REConverter.REPiece - Class in com.cleancode.format
A container class for holding regular expression objects to run against the input.
REConverter.REPiece(String, String, String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.format.REConverter.REPiece
Construct an REConverter object.
REConverter.REPiece(String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.format.REConverter.REPiece
Construct an REConverter object.
REConverter.REPiece(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.format.REConverter.REPiece
Construct an REConverter object.
REConverter.REPiece(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.format.REConverter.REPiece
Construct an REConverter object.
removeAllItems() - Method in class com.cleancode.swing.JComboBoxMgr
Empties the JComboBox.
removeItem(Object) - Method in class com.cleancode.swing.JComboBoxMgr
Removes the specified item from the JComboBox.
removeItemAt(int) - Method in class com.cleancode.swing.JComboBoxMgr
Removes the specified item from the JComboBox.
removeSelectedItem() - Method in class com.cleancode.swing.JComboBoxMgr
Removes the selected item from the JComboBox.
replicate(char, int) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.StringPlus
Replicates a character into a string of a specified length.
reportElapsed() - Method in class com.cleancode.time.SimpleFormat
Reports the elapsed time since creation of the SimpleFormat object.
reset() - Static method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Resets diagnostics to initial conditions, allowing init() to be called again.
reset() - Method in class com.cleancode.test.TestHarness.Counter
Resets the counter to zero.
resume() - Method in class com.cleancode.time.SimpleFormat
Release the lock on the timer value set by SimpleFormat.lap().


sendCookie(String) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.UrlConnectionMgr
Send a single cookie through a URLConnection.
sendCookies(String[]) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.UrlConnectionMgr
Send multiple cookies through a URLConnection.
sendUserAgent(String) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.UrlConnectionMgr
Send a user-agent request field through a URLConnection.
SEPARATOR - Static variable in class com.cleancode.data.ParamMap
Separates each key from its tool tip when a ParamMap is printed as a string.
setCompactMode(boolean) - Method in class com.cleancode.format.JSArchive
Specifies whether generated archive should be compacted or not.
setContentsMode(boolean) - Method in class com.cleancode.format.JSArchive
Selects table of contents display mode.
setDefaultAccModifier(int) - Method in class com.cleancode.swing.JMenuItemSpec
Changes the default accelerator modifier used by the constructors which omit one.
setDefaultEnable(boolean) - Method in class com.cleancode.swing.JMenuItemSpec
Changes the default enabled status used by the constructors which omit one.
setDisplayArgs(String[]) - Method in class com.cleancode.format.JSArchive
Specifies whether command-line should be emitted as a comment in the archive.
setFilename(String) - Method in class com.cleancode.format.JSArchive
Specifies a target file name for the archive.
setFixedFormat() - Method in class com.cleancode.time.SimpleFormat
Change from minimal format (the default) to fixed format.
setOneLineMode(boolean) - Method in class com.cleancode.format.JSArchive
Sets mode for compacting a file by retaining line breaks or not.
setParameter(String, String) - Method in class com.cleancode.xml.XslQualifier
Safely add a parameter for the transformation.
setParameterList(String[]) - Method in class com.cleancode.xml.XslQualifier
Safely add multiple parameters for the transformation.
setParameterList(String[], String) - Method in class com.cleancode.xml.XslQualifier
Safely add multiple parameters for the transformation, separating names and values with the separator provided.
setPendingLimit(int) - Static method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Changes the pending limit of messages before the Diagnostic system is auto-initialized.
setProxy(String, String) - Static method in class com.cleancode.net.NetProxy
Sets a system proxy from a proxyProperty and a url.
setProxy(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.cleancode.net.NetProxy
Sets a system proxy from a proxyProperty and a secure flag.
setProxy(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.cleancode.net.NetProxy
Sets a system proxy from separate host and port designators and a url.
setProxy(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.cleancode.net.NetProxy
Sets a system proxy from separate host and port designators and a secure flag.
setTerse(boolean) - Method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Selects whether Map objects should be output in a terse or verbose format.
setText(String) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.TextClipboard
Sets the system clipboard to the specified text.
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class com.cleancode.swing.SimpleTable
Sets the value for the cell at the specified row and column indices.
setVerbose(boolean) - Method in class com.cleancode.format.JSArchive
Specifies verbose console output option.
setWebChannelBuffer(boolean) - Static method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Activates or deactivates the web channel buffer.
shift(String[]) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.ArrayPlus
Removes first element of a String array.
shift(String[], int) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.ArrayPlus
Removes 'n' elements of a String array.
showContents() - Method in class com.cleancode.format.JSArchive
Displays contents of a previously created archive.
showKeys(Properties) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.StringPlus
Creates a comma separated list of keys of a Properties object.
SimpleFormat - Class in com.cleancode.time
Provides simple elapsed time formatting.
SimpleFormat() - Constructor for class com.cleancode.time.SimpleFormat
Creates a nominal SimpleFormat object.
SimpleFormat(int) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.time.SimpleFormat
Creates a SimpleFormat object with accelerated time.
SimpleHtmlParse - Class in com.cleancode.net
Extracts selected constructs from the structure of an HTML document.
SimpleHtmlParse(SimpleHtmlParse.Callback) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.net.SimpleHtmlParse
Constructs a SimpleHtmlParse object with a Callback object.
SimpleHtmlParse.Callback - Interface in com.cleancode.net
This interface provides a callback for the user to handle each parsed element.
SimpleHtmlParse.Test - Class in com.cleancode.net
A standalone test class.
SimpleHtmlParse.Test() - Constructor for class com.cleancode.net.SimpleHtmlParse.Test
SimpleHtmlToText - Class in com.cleancode.net
Converts an HTML document to text by stripping out all formatting tags and doing simple conversions.
SimpleHtmlToText() - Constructor for class com.cleancode.net.SimpleHtmlToText
Construct a SimpleHtmlToText object.
SimpleHtmlToText.Test - Class in com.cleancode.net
A standalone test class.
SimpleHtmlToText.Test() - Constructor for class com.cleancode.net.SimpleHtmlToText.Test
SimpleJavadocToPod - Class in com.cleancode.format
Converts Javadoc comments in a Java file to pod comments.
SimpleJavadocToPod() - Constructor for class com.cleancode.format.SimpleJavadocToPod
Construct a SimpleJavadocToPod object.
SimpleJavadocToPod.Test - Class in com.cleancode.format
A standalone test class.
SimpleJavadocToPod.Test() - Constructor for class com.cleancode.format.SimpleJavadocToPod.Test
SimpleTable - Class in com.cleancode.swing
Provides a table model based on AbstractTableModel, typically used with a JTable component.
SimpleTable(String, String[], JTableCellChecker) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.swing.SimpleTable
Creates a new SimpleTable with a custom cell checker.
SimpleTable(String, String[], boolean) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.swing.SimpleTable
Creates a new SimpleTable with all cells editable or all cells immutable.
SimpleTable(String, String[]) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.swing.SimpleTable
Creates a new SimpleTable with all cells editable.
SimpleTable(String) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.swing.SimpleTable
Creates a new SimpleTable with a single column; all cells are editable.
SimpleValidate - Class in com.cleancode.xml
Tiny utility to run a basic XML Schema Validation using Xerces.
SimpleValidate() - Constructor for class com.cleancode.xml.SimpleValidate
Sniffer - Class in com.cleancode.util
Identifies the operating system.
Sniffer.Test - Class in com.cleancode.util
A standalone test class to exercise Sniffer.
Sniffer.Test() - Constructor for class com.cleancode.util.Sniffer.Test
StorageMgr - Class in com.cleancode.net
Manages cookie and URL storage for a WebPageInspector object.
StringPlus - Class in com.cleancode.util
Convenience methods for string handling.
styleLine(String, String, HashMap<String, String>) - Method in class com.cleancode.html.Generator
Builds a paragraph with the specified CSS style and other attributes.
styleLine(String, String) - Method in class com.cleancode.html.Generator
Builds a paragraph with the specified CSS style but no other attributes.
syncVersionDiag() - Static method in class com.cleancode.data.Version
Once the Diagnostic class has initialized, it calls this method to change from passive to active mode, whereby versions are printed immediately rather than being collected.


TestHarness - Class in com.cleancode.test
Provides a test harness for running unit and functional tests against Java objects.
TestHarness() - Constructor for class com.cleancode.test.TestHarness
Creates a TestHarness object with no diagnostics.
TestHarness(String[]) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.test.TestHarness
Creates a TestHarness object with the option to display diagnostics.
TestHarness.Counter - Class in com.cleancode.test
A basic counter object.
TestHarness.Counter() - Constructor for class com.cleancode.test.TestHarness.Counter
Create and reset a Counter object.
TestHarness.Test - Class in com.cleancode.test
A standalone test class to exercise TestHarness.
TestHarness.Test() - Constructor for class com.cleancode.test.TestHarness.Test
testList(Object[]) - Method in class com.cleancode.test.TestHarness
Executes the test suite specified by the supplied testVector.
TextClipboard - Class in com.cleancode.util
Support for getting and setting text on the system clipboard.
toCondensedString() - Method in class com.cleancode.swing.SimpleTable
Returns a short string representation of this table.
toCookieList(SimpleTable) - Method in class com.cleancode.net.StorageMgr
Converts cookie table to String array.
toHashMap(T[]) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.Common
Generates a hash map from a one-dimensional array.
toHashSet(T[]) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.Common
Generates a hash set from a one-dimensional array of items.
toString() - Method in class com.cleancode.data.ParamMap
Converts the object to a string representation with no indent.
toString(String) - Method in class com.cleancode.data.ParamMap
Converts the object to a string representation with the specified indent on each line.
toString() - Method in class com.cleancode.format.REConverter.REPiece
toString() - Method in class com.cleancode.swing.SimpleTable
Returns a string representation of this table.
toStringArray(ArrayList) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.ArrayPlus
Convert an ArrayList containing strings into an array of String (maintaining its String-iness rather than getting an Object array.
trimLine(String) - Method in class com.cleancode.format.JSArchive.JSCompactor
Compacts a String removing any unnecessary whitespace and comments.
trimLine(List<String>) - Method in class com.cleancode.format.JSArchive.JSCompactor
Compacts a list of strings, removing any unnecessary whitespace and comments.


URL_DATA - Static variable in class com.cleancode.net.UrlConnectionMgr
Selects info about the URL.
UrlConnectionMgr - Class in com.cleancode.net
UrlConnectionMgr retrieves a URL from the World Wide Web and provides a formatted breakdown of its components.
UrlConnectionMgr(String) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.net.UrlConnectionMgr
Constructs a UrlConnectionMgr for the specified URL string.
UrlConnectionMgr.Test - Class in com.cleancode.net
A standalone test class.
UrlConnectionMgr.Test() - Constructor for class com.cleancode.net.UrlConnectionMgr.Test
URLReader - Class in com.cleancode.net
Fetches the contents of a URL with a variety of options.
URLReader(String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.net.URLReader
Creates a URLReader object to fetch URLs.
usage(DBprobe) - Static method in class com.cleancode.jdbc.DBprobe
Displays the program usage.


VERSION - Static variable in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Current version of this class.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.cleancode.data.InputOptions
Current version of this class.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.cleancode.data.ParamMap
Current version of this class.
Version - Class in com.cleancode.data
Manages version numbers for all loaded classes.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.cleancode.data.Version
Current version of this class.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.cleancode.format.JSArchive
Current version of this class.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.cleancode.format.REConverter
Current version of this class.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.cleancode.format.SimpleJavadocToPod
Current version of this class.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.cleancode.getopt.ArgvFile
Current version of this class.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.cleancode.html.Generator
Current version of this class.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.cleancode.log.LogWriter
Current version of this class.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.cleancode.net.NetProxy
Current version of this class.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.cleancode.net.SimpleHtmlParse
Current version of this class.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.cleancode.net.SimpleHtmlToText
Current version of this class.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.cleancode.net.StorageMgr
Current version of this class.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.cleancode.net.UrlConnectionMgr
Current version of this class.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.cleancode.net.URLReader
Current version of this class.
VERSION - Variable in class com.cleancode.net.WebPageInspector
Current version of this class.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.cleancode.swing.JComboBoxMgr
Current version of this class.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.cleancode.swing.JLookAndFeel
Current version of this class.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.cleancode.swing.JMenuBarMgr
Current version of this class.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.cleancode.swing.JMenuItemSpec
Current version of this class.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.cleancode.swing.JMenuSpec
Current version of this class.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.cleancode.swing.JTabbedPaneMgr
Current version of this class.
VERSION - Static variable in interface com.cleancode.swing.JTableCellChecker
Current version of this class.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.cleancode.swing.JTableMgr
Current version of this class.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.cleancode.swing.SimpleTable
Current version of this class.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.cleancode.test.TestHarness
Current version of this class.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.cleancode.util.CollectionsPlus
Current version of this class.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.cleancode.util.Common
Current version of this class.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.cleancode.util.FilePlus
Current version of this class.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.cleancode.util.Sniffer
Current version of this class.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.cleancode.util.StringPlus
Current version of this class.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.cleancode.util.TextClipboard
Current version of this class.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.cleancode.xml.DocumentPlus
Current version of this class.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.cleancode.xml.XmlTransform
Current version of this class.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.cleancode.xml.XslQualifier
Current version of this class.
VOID_METHOD_MARKER - Static variable in class com.cleancode.test.TestHarness
String to use to indicate no return value expected.


W3C_XML_SCHEMA - Static variable in class com.cleancode.xml.SimpleValidate
JAXP 1.2 XML schema value.
W3C_XML_SCHEMA - Static variable in class com.cleancode.xml.XmlTransform
JAXP 1.2 xml schema value.
WARNING_LABEL - Static variable in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Constant label prefixing all warning messages.
warnPrint(String, String) - Method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Output a warning message prefixed with a method name.
warnPrint(String) - Method in class com.cleancode.data.Diagnostic
Output a warning message prefixed with the class name of the owning class.
WebPageInspector - Class in com.cleancode.net
An interactive web page inspector that separates and identifies the components of a web page, including extracting the text of the page and a limited browser view of the page.
WebPageInspector(JFrame) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.net.WebPageInspector
Creates an instance of a WebPageInspector.
write(String) - Method in class com.cleancode.log.LogWriter
Write a log record with a single data field.
write(String[]) - Method in class com.cleancode.log.LogWriter
Write a log record with multiple data fields.
writeFile(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.FilePlus
Write specified text to a file, backing up the original.
writeFile(String, String) - Static method in class com.cleancode.util.FilePlus
Write specified text to a file, overwriting the original, if any.


XmlTransform - Class in com.cleancode.xml
Transforms and/or schema-validates a tree of files, optionally generating multi-level indices and adding navigational linkages.
XmlTransform(InputOptions) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.xml.XmlTransform
Creates an XmlTransform object with the specified configuration options.
XSL_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class com.cleancode.xml.XslQualifier
Standard XSL namespace at the time of writing.
XslQualifier - Class in com.cleancode.xml
A class to safely set XSL transformer parameters.
XslQualifier(File, Transformer) - Constructor for class com.cleancode.xml.XslQualifier
Creates an XSlQualifier object for the specified file and transformer.


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