ConnectionStringManager SuppressEncryptionErrors Property CleanCode C# Libraries v1.2.03 API
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to suppress encryption errors.

Namespace: CleanCode.DatabaseControls
Assembly: CleanCode.DatabaseControls (in CleanCode.DatabaseControls.dll) Version: (1.2.03)

public bool SuppressEncryptionErrors { get; set; }

Field Value

true to suppress encryption errors; otherwise, false.

Set to false by default, each time there is an encryption or decryption error (which could occur when handling a password) a pop-up warning is displayed. When loading or storing a set of connections this would be annoying to the user so it may be suppressed here. The errors are then collected and may be accessed via the EncryptionErrors property to present the list to the user all at once. The EncryptionErrors collection is emptied when SuppressEncryptionErrors is set to true.
See Also