ComboBoxWithTooltip EventsCleanCode C# Libraries v1.2.03 API
The ComboBoxWithTooltip type exposes the following members.

Public eventOnlineAutoSizeChanged
This event is not relevant for this class.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineBackColorChanged
Occurs when the value of the OnlineBackColor property changes.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineBackgroundImageChanged
Occurs when the value of the OnlineBackgroundImage property changes.
(Inherited from OnlineComboBox.)
Public eventOnlineBackgroundImageLayoutChanged
Occurs when the OnlineBackgroundImageLayout property changes.
(Inherited from OnlineComboBox.)
Public eventOnlineBindingContextChanged
Occurs when the value of the OnlineBindingContext property changes.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineCausesValidationChanged
Occurs when the value of the OnlineCausesValidation property changes.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineChangeUICues
Occurs when the focus or keyboard user interface (UI) cues change.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineClick
Occurs when the control is clicked.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineClientSizeChanged
Occurs when the value of the OnlineClientSize property changes.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineContextMenuChanged
Occurs when the value of the OnlineContextMenu property changes.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineContextMenuStripChanged
Occurs when the value of the OnlineContextMenuStrip property changes.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineControlAdded (Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineControlRemoved (Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineCursorChanged
Occurs when the value of the OnlineCursor property changes.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineDataSourceChanged
Occurs when the OnlineDataSource changes.
(Inherited from OnlineListControl.)
Public eventOnlineDisplayMemberChanged
Occurs when the OnlineDisplayMember property changes.
(Inherited from OnlineListControl.)
Public eventOnlineDisposed
Occurs when the component is disposed by a call to the OnlineDispose() method.
(Inherited from OnlineComponent.)
Public eventOnlineDockChanged
Occurs when the value of the OnlineDock property changes.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineDoubleClick
This event is not relevant for this class.
(Inherited from OnlineComboBox.)
Public eventOnlineDragDrop
Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineDragEnter
Occurs when an object is dragged into the control's bounds.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineDragLeave
Occurs when an object is dragged out of the control's bounds.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineDragOver
Occurs when an object is dragged over the control's bounds.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineDrawItem
Occurs when a visual aspect of an owner-drawn OnlineComboBox changes.
(Inherited from OnlineComboBox.)
Public eventOnlineDropDown
Occurs when the drop-down portion of a OnlineComboBox is shown.
(Inherited from OnlineComboBox.)
Public eventOnlineDropDownClosed
Occurs when the drop-down portion of the OnlineComboBox is no longer visible.
(Inherited from OnlineComboBox.)
Public eventOnlineDropDownStyleChanged
Occurs when the OnlineDropDownStyle property has changed.
(Inherited from OnlineComboBox.)
Public eventOnlineEnabledChanged
Occurs when the OnlineEnabled property value has changed.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineEnter
Occurs when the control is entered.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineFontChanged
Occurs when the OnlineFont property value changes.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineForeColorChanged
Occurs when the OnlineForeColor property value changes.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineFormat
Occurs when the control is bound to a data value.
(Inherited from OnlineListControl.)
Public eventOnlineFormatInfoChanged
Occurs when the value of the OnlineFormatInfo property changes.
(Inherited from OnlineListControl.)
Public eventOnlineFormatStringChanged
Occurs when value of the OnlineFormatString property changes
(Inherited from OnlineListControl.)
Public eventOnlineFormattingEnabledChanged
Occurs when the value of the OnlineFormattingEnabled property changes.
(Inherited from OnlineListControl.)
Public eventOnlineGiveFeedback
Occurs during a drag operation.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineGotFocus
Occurs when the control receives focus.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineHandleCreated
Occurs when a handle is created for the control.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineHandleDestroyed
Occurs when the control's handle is in the process of being destroyed.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineHelpRequested
Occurs when the user requests help for a control.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineImeModeChanged
Occurs when the OnlineImeMode property has changed.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineInvalidated
Occurs when a control's display requires redrawing.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineKeyDown
Occurs when a key is pressed while the control has focus.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineKeyPress
Occurs when a key is pressed while the control has focus.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineKeyUp
Occurs when a key is released while the control has focus.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineLayout
Occurs when a control should reposition its child controls.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineLeave
Occurs when the input focus leaves the control.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineLocationChanged
Occurs when the OnlineLocation property value has changed.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineLostFocus
Occurs when the control loses focus.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineMarginChanged
Occurs when the control's margin changes.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineMeasureItem
Occurs each time an owner-drawn OnlineComboBox item needs to be drawn and when the sizes of the list items are determined.
(Inherited from OnlineComboBox.)
Public eventOnlineMouseCaptureChanged
Occurs when the control loses or gains mouse capture.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineMouseClick
Occurs when the control is clicked by the mouse.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineMouseDoubleClick
Occurs when the control is double clicked by the mouse.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineMouseDown
Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is pressed.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineMouseEnter
Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the control.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineMouseHover
Occurs when the mouse pointer rests on the control.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineMouseLeave
Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineMouseMove
Occurs when the mouse pointer is moved over the control.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineMouseUp
Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is released.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineMouseWheel
Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineMove
Occurs when the control is moved.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlinePaddingChanged
This event is not relevant to this class.
(Inherited from OnlineComboBox.)
Public eventOnlinePaint
Occurs when the OnlineComboBox control is redrawn.
(Inherited from OnlineComboBox.)
Public eventOnlineParentChanged
Occurs when the OnlineParent property value changes.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlinePreviewKeyDown
Occurs before the OnlineKeyDown event when a key is pressed while focus is on this control.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineQueryAccessibilityHelp
Occurs when OnlineAccessibleObject is providing help to accessibility applications.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineQueryContinueDrag
Occurs during a drag-and-drop operation and enables the drag source to determine whether the drag-and-drop operation should be canceled.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineRegionChanged
Occurs when the value of the OnlineRegion property changes.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineResize
Occurs when the control is resized.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineRightToLeftChanged
Occurs when the OnlineRightToLeft property value changes.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineSelectedIndexChanged
Occurs when the OnlineSelectedIndex property has changed.
(Inherited from OnlineComboBox.)
Public eventOnlineSelectedValueChanged
Occurs when the OnlineSelectedValue property changes.
(Inherited from OnlineListControl.)
Public eventOnlineSelectionChangeCommitted
Occurs when the selected item has changed and that change is displayed in the OnlineComboBox.
(Inherited from OnlineComboBox.)
Public eventOnlineSizeChanged
Occurs when the OnlineSize property value changes.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineStyleChanged
Occurs when the control style changes.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineSystemColorsChanged
Occurs when the system colors change.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineTabIndexChanged
Occurs when the OnlineTabIndex property value changes.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineTabStopChanged
Occurs when the OnlineTabStop property value changes.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineTextChanged
Occurs when the OnlineText property value changes.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineTextUpdate
Occurs when the control has formatted the text, but before the text is displayed.
(Inherited from OnlineComboBox.)
Public eventOnlineValidated
Occurs when the control is finished validating.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineValidating
Occurs when the control is validating.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
Public eventOnlineValueMemberChanged
Occurs when the OnlineValueMember property changes.
(Inherited from OnlineListControl.)
Public eventOnlineVisibleChanged
Occurs when the OnlineVisible property value changes.
(Inherited from OnlineControl.)
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See Also