ToolStripDropDownManager MembersCleanCode C# Libraries v1.2.03 API

The ToolStripDropDownManager type exposes the following members.

Public methodToolStripDropDownManager(ToolStripDropDownButton)
Initializes a new instance of the ToolStripDropDownManager class using no category value.
Public methodToolStripDropDownManager(ToolStripDropDownButton, Control)
Initializes a new instance of the ToolStripDropDownManager class using a OnlineControl to supply a category value.
Public methodToolStripDropDownManager(ToolStripDropDownButton, ToolStripItem)
Initializes a new instance of the ToolStripDropDownManager class using a OnlineToolStripItem to supply a category value.
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Public methodAddSeparator
Adds a separator line to the Control (Separator).
(Inherited from AbstractMsgManager.)
Public methodOnlineEquals
Determines whether the specified OnlineObject is equal to the current OnlineObject.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodError
Displays the specified value in the message container and its history list, with an error prefix (ErrorPrefix).
(Inherited from AbstractMsgManager.)
Protected methodOnlineFinalize
Allows an OnlineObject to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the OnlineObject is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodOnlineGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodOnlineGetType
Gets the OnlineType of the current instance.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Protected methodOnlineMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current OnlineObject.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodMessage(String)
Displays the specified value in the message container.
(Inherited from AbstractMsgManager.)
Public methodMessage(String, String)
Displays the specified value and prefix in the message container.
(Inherited from AbstractMsgManager.)
Protected methodProcessMessage(String, String)
Adds a message to the targeted OnlineToolStripDropDownButton.
(Overrides AbstractMsgManager.ProcessMessage(String, String).)
Protected methodProcessMessage(String, String, String)
Adds a message to the targeted OnlineToolStripDropDownButton.
(Overrides AbstractMsgManager.ProcessMessage(String, String, String).)
Protected methodProcessQueuedMessages
Processes the queued message after queuing is deactivated.
(Overrides AbstractMsgManager.ProcessQueuedMessages(List<String>).)
Public methodStartQueuing
Starts queuing.
(Inherited from AbstractMsgManager.)
Public methodStopQueuing
Stops queuing.
(Inherited from AbstractMsgManager.)
Public methodOnlineToString
Returns a OnlineString that represents the current OnlineObject.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodWarning
Displays the specified value in the message container and its history list, with a warning prefix (WarningPrefix).
(Inherited from AbstractMsgManager.)
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Public propertyErrorPrefix
Gets or sets the error prefix.
(Inherited from AbstractMsgManager.)
Public propertyMaxLength
Gets or sets the maximum length of a message.
(Inherited from AbstractMsgManager.)
Public propertyMsgDropDownLimit
Gets or sets the limit for the drop down list of the control.
Public propertyRefresher
Provides a hook for subclasses to refresh the calling Form's display. Note that defining this is optional in the abstract class; it may or may not be required in an instantiated subclass.
(Inherited from AbstractMsgManager.)
Public propertySeparator
Gets or sets the separator string.
(Inherited from AbstractMsgManager.)
Public propertyWarningPrefix
Gets or sets the warning prefix.
(Inherited from AbstractMsgManager.)
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See Also