Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 CleanCode::Contact Us--Demo
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Contact Us--Demo

This web page is a demo using the same front-end and back-end validation engine, but showing a much more interesting method to handle the results of validation. This is a portion of CleanCode's actual contact page. Unlike some websites that require you to describe your first date, your first born, your first... (well, you get the picture), on CleanCode most every field is optional. So if you leave everything blank, you will not see anything interesting. Try typing just a comma in the first name field, then pressing the Next button. If everything is working correctly you should see an error message appear instantaneously right next to the name field. Try multiple errors on different lines, on the same line, etc., to see how the validation engine works.

Full name First Last
Invalid input
City,State,Zip City Zip
Invalid input
just letters and punctuation
just letters, digits, and punctuation
just letters, digits, and punctuation
E-contact Email Fax
Invalid input
Phone Day Eve Cell
Invalid input
Browser Browser Type Version
Invalid input
System OS Platform
Invalid input
Web Server WebServer OS Platform
Invalid input
Product Name
just letters and punctuation
Product Version
just letters, digits, dots, dashes
Incident Category
just letters
Incident Severity
just letters
just letters
Incident Topic/Synopsis
just letters and punctuation
Always submit to Server:

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Copyright © 2004 Michael Sorens • Contact usPrivacy Policy
Usage governed by Mozilla Public License 1.1 and CleanCode Courtesy License

CleanCode -- The Website for Clean Design Revised 2004.01.01